Sunday, November 23, 2008

Orange Series - First Photo

The photos of the "Orange" series will represent the pollution of an urban landscape. The orange haze around a city creates surreal affects in the sunset. This first photo captures that in the background, peering through a concrete barrier.

Also, I can often see an orange glow all night from the lights reflecting if I'm just outside the downtown limits. The birds chirp wildly late into the night as they normally would at sunrise. I wonder if this orange haze is confusing them, disturbing their natural rhythm. I want to take pictures of this glow in the distance.

Another photo of the series will also equate the color orange with pollution. I noticed a few weeks ago near Brown's Island that an area of stagnant water was a sickly orange. This may be due to acidifying of the water. In the presence a certain bacteria, iron contaminants will oxidize and create an orange sludge with a pH low enough to cause an acid burn. If I can get a hold of some litmus paper, I will test this theory.

1 comment:

Greg Mullins said...

Ok, so as soon as I looked at this picture I saw an iPod. Take another look and see if you can see it too. In my opinion it resembles an iPod with a video playing. I know this idea is kind of random, but thats what is so unique about art. Ten people can look at the same picture and they will all see something different!